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Immigrant Parents: Raising Successful and Happy Teenagers


Immigrant Parents: Raising Successful and Happy Teenagers


Practical Strategies for Immigrant Parents and their Teenagers


There are many different problems that immigrant parents experience with their teenagers. Parents often feel that their teenagers do not listen to them, that they are under bad influences, that they spend too much time on the internet, that their children refuse to have help from them regarding emotional problems, that they are often lied to, and more.

One of the main reasons that immigrant families migrate to a new country is to help their children have a better life. Parents aspire to offer their children a good education, better economic opportunities, a happy lifestyle, and a politically safe environment full of possibilities. Parents come to the new country filled with hope and big expectations. 

But sometimes they encounter barriers and roadblocks. Upon the time their children are reaching teenage and young adult years, conflicts often enter daily family life. Gaps open with differences in values, opinions, ethics and/or lifestyle priorities. Teenage years are a turbulent time and a challenging period for all parents, and often much more so for immigrant families. 

Immigrant parents face unique challenges: The challenges are those arising from the process of acculturation in the host country. As parents you have your own sets of values that you want to impart onto your children. They could be religious, moral, or cultural values or the values of your family of origin, all of which define you. But you see that your children are getting influenced by the norms of the new culture, by their peers, by the values around them, and you may struggle to understand them. Differences grow, values and expectations clash, bitter fights follow. You start feeling confused as your parenting skills, which were developed around your own culture, no longer seem to be effective with your own children. The values that you deeply respected are now questioned by your children. 

You wonder how to bridge the gaps, resolve the conflicts, and how to keep your teenagers safe from negative influences, so they can lead happy and successful lives. 

To navigate through these difficulties and find the right solutions is not easy. That is why we are launching a new program, filled with information and practical solutions, easy to watch videos, and useful exercises to help you understand, develop and apply new and effective parenting skills. 

This course provides you with practical strategies to successfully handle your teenager who is growing up in a culture that is different from your own. The course will help you exit painful conflicts and learn how to solve the problems with your child. You will learn:

  • why the problems are occurring again and again and how to reframe your feelings of hurt, disappointment, anger, helplessness and/or guilt.
  • understand the reasons that issues with your teenager seem to fester, without resolution.
  • address the thinking that directly links 'bad' feelings to the situation
  • understand the specific age-related biological factors that fuel the conflict